One day, a young peasant with indigo eyes, Sarman was traveling from his village to a city of Mohenjo Daro which under the rule of Maham, a cruel ruthless tyrant. On his way to the city he witnessed an accident and eventually saved life a beautiful girl named, Chaani. From this unusual meeting, a feeling grow between Sarman and Chaani. They fall in love with each other.
Sarman thinks that he found his soulmate and it was his fate to meet Chaani on the way to Mhenjo Daro. Little did he know, his love story won’t be just a beautiful one. Chaani is a girl from a high caste and more than just that, she is the sacred girl with important role in the worship of Sindu Ma, the goddess of the river. This position gives her central role in Mohenjo Daro society as she is the symbol of blessing and grace from the goddess. She is not meant to be with a man from a lesser rank, let alone a poor peasant coming from a village. To make it even worse, the son of the tyrant, Moonja, is also in love with Chaani. Sarman is now the enemy of the city, rejected by the society, and must face many threats from the tyrant as the price of his love to Chaani.
While struggling to win Chaani and maintain their relationship, Sarman got a vision about his past and also the vision about Chaani and her big secret. This secret would reveal the true identity of Chaani and its connection with his past. Even bigger, this secret can reveal the truth about Mohenjo Daro potentially shake the current establishment and helps the people to overthrow the cruel tyrant. Sarman and Chaani is now not only fight for their survival but for the survival of the city.