The story started when one of a student of The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) become a traitor, named Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen). Kaecilius stole a sheet from a book from the library in Kamar Taj,. Then he learned about dark magic so he can live an eternity life and he needs to call Dormamu to destroy the balance of the time in the world. The Ancient One wants to stop him.
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a neurosurgeon. He’s very clever and a reliable person but he’s got a bad personality, he’s very arrogant. One day he’s got a car accident which caused damage to his hands’ nerves. It makes him lose his job as neurosurgeon. He wants his hands to be back as normal, then he heard about someone who used to be paralyzed now can walk as a normal people. Strange doesn’t believe that story since it’s unbelievable until he’s check that person’s health record. Strange meet him in person and ask him how he can be heal from his condition before, that person answered he went to a place called Kamar Taj. Strange come to Kathmandu, Nepal for finding that place called Kamar Taj.
In Kathmandu, Strange keeps asking people that he meets whether they know about Kamar Taj or not. He runs into Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who takes him to Kamar Taj. In Kamar Taj Strange meets The Ancient One, the leader. Strange discuss about what he wants to know about how she cures the person who use to be paralyzed and now in a good condition. The Ancient One tells many things to Strange who thinks himself knew everything, but then he realized he knew nothing. At first, Stange was being rejected from Kamar Taj because of his arrogance. But then The Ancient One changed her mind to accept Strange because they need him to stop Kaecilius. Strange being taught how to use energy that energy can be used as a weapon and as a shield. At first he lose his confidence because of his hands but later he can mastered how to use Mystic Arts ring to open a portal to another place in a second. Strange also mastered how to use the eye of Agamotto, a spell that can turn back the time. With the eye of Agamotto he turns back the sheet of the book that stolen by Kaecilius and then he finds out that it’s all about dark magic to help Dormammu to control the Earth.
There are three temples in the Earth that build by Agamotto to protect the Earth from Dormammu. That temples are in New York, London, and Hong Kong. The temples in New York and London are destroyed by Kaecilius and he’ll destroy the last temple in Hong Kong. Before that’s all, Strange and Mordo learns that The Ancient One also learn that dark magic like Kaecilius did, they lose their faith to The Ancient One. The Ancient One killed in the battlefield against Kaecilius. Then Strange knew all The Ancient One did is for the goodness. Strange and Mordo come to Hong Kong, but they’re too late, the temple already destroyed and Dormamu almost come to the Earth. But then Strange use Agamotto spell to turn back the time and the spell was working well. In the middle of the process, Kaecilius stop Strange’s spell, and he makes the time stop. Dormamu comes to control the Earth, everything’s end that’s what Mordo thinks.
Strange stand up and fly to meet Dormamu, he set up his Agamoto’s spell and meets Dormamu to make a deal. Dormamu doesn’t want to hear what’s Strange said, he killed Strange many times but Strange keeps coming back to him asking for the deal, now Dormamu becomes Strange’s custody, and he’s accept the deal. Strange will release Dormamu and Dormamu will take his spell from the Earth. Everything is end, Kaecilius and his followers turn back to dust as the eternity spell was taken by Dormamu from the Earth. Everything is over, now Dormamu will never come to Earth, but what’s Strange doing just disturb the balance of the time and it will give big effects to the world as Mordo said before he left.